
Registration Form For The 2024 Pageant

I attest I am a citizen of the United States of America and qualify to be a contestant in the 2024 Miss National Extraordinaire (M.N.E)  pageant based on my residency or place of employment. You agree to this by pressing “register”.

The Miss National Extraordinaire Pageant, will be held on Saturday July 12 & 13, 2024. It is requested that all contestants be in the lobby at approximately 9 am and ready to participate in rehearsal on July 11th.

You should bring all the wardrobe and cosmetic items you will need with you – Pageant weekend will move quickly, and there will not be time to retrieve items from your vehicle or other locations. You may also bring an assistant to help with your wardrobe changes. For your talent music, we ask that you bring 2 copies on a thumb drive; one will be handed in for the DJ, and you should keep the second copy in case there are any problems with the original thumb drive.

1. Mandatory events. If I am selected as M.N.E 2024, I agree to make myself available for one complimentary, professional photo shoot within 60 days of the Miss National Extraordinaire 2024 pageant.

2. Information. I understand the importance of the talent portion (optional)  of the competition, evening gown competition and “Queen Questionnaire”. I agree that my actions, and how I present myself are a representation of the M.C.E organization and agree to uphold myself as a professional individual.

3. Local Representation. All wardrobe selections and talent must be approved by the Director And Pageant Board. Any fundraising event must be approved by the pageant board.

By registering below, I hereby agree to the terms and conditions stated above. If I am selected as Miss National Extraordinaire 2024, I will fulfill the obligations set forth by The Miss National Extraordinaire Pageant Coordinators. If I fail to do so, I WILL relinquish the crown to the First Runner-up.

I hereby release Miss California Extraordinaire Pageant (M.C.E.) and the Pageant Coordinators and Directors from any legal responsibility for injury that may occur to myself or any of my pageant group during the 2024 M.N.E. Pageant.

I hereby permit the Miss California Extraordinaire Pageant (M.C.E.) and the Pageant Coordinators and Directors to use my or my child’s photograph publicly to promote the M.C.E. Pageant. I understand that the images may be used in print publications, online publications, presentations, websites, and social media. I also understand that no royalty, fee or other compensation shall become payable to me by reason of such use.

Pageant and Judging

*The winner will receive: The Crown Provided by Miss National Extraordinaire Director, Flowers, 2024 Miss National Extraordinaire Scholarship, a Certificate of Achievement, as well as the Miss California Extraordinaire sash which will be passed to each successive Queen!

*First Runner Up In Each Category  Receives: 2024 Certificate of Achievement, Flowers, and Cash Prize!

*If your participant purchased a “Donation Tier”, she will receive her moment on stage being crowned/sashed, ect. (The donation crowns and sashes WILL be different from the 1st and 2nd place winners.)

*All other participants will receive a letter of recognition for participating at the front of the stage along with a Finishers Medal of Completion.

Judging Criteria

“The Dress” This category showcases your creativity! Each contestant will have the opportunity to wear a dress of their choosing. The contestants will need to accessorize the dress (you may NOT cut/tear the dress). You will be judged on how you “dress it up” to make it pop! There is no right or wrong way to win this category, just be CREATIVE!

“Talent” (Optional) This category showcases you as a performer. You will have up to 5 minutes to perform your talent. Those participating will be scored separately on the QUALITY of the entertainment package you present….. Does the talent you present entertain the judges and audience? Did you evoke emotion? Is the choreography suited to the number and to YOU? Does your costume work well for your chosen performance?

Full Address Here
Best Email
Please write a brief description
Dance, singing etc
Please agree and type guardians full name